church - network - movement

a new and ancient way of pursuing the Jesus mission in Boise and beyond

simple. small. reproducible.


We are a movement of micro-churches committed to engaging every neighborhood with the gospel and sending every believer as a missionary.

our vision


A Missionary On Every Street

A Micro-Church In Every Neighborhood

So The Gospel is in Every Family

What is the syndicate?

“Our commission is to compassionately reach out to those around us, invite them to join us in community, share the story of the gospel, make disciples, and gather them into families to follow Jesus together.”

-Mike Breen

learn more

Join Our Community

Everything changes when one person looks around and asks:

 "what if?"

We believe this is God's strategy for reaching the lost, the lonely and those far from God. Join us for an 8-week intensive course designed to train you to be a missionary in your neighborhood.

Missionary Pathway Training

Our Story

It all started with a vision to see the Treasure Valley saturated with Jesus people reaching their neighbors and empowering them to lead discipleship movements in their neighborhoods. Because of this, we came together as a group of churches to resource, train, support and catalyze a movement of Micro-churches throughout our city.

our mission

Participate in Kingdom Mission

Is God stirring something in your heart? To reach your neighbors? To plant churches?

Let us know how we can help.


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